
Complete Flutter Bootcamp 2020: From Zero to Hero in Flutter [Free Online Course] - TechCracked

Complete Flutter Bootcamp 2020: From Zero to Hero in Flutter

Learn Flutter like a Professional! Start from the basics and go all the way to creating your own Awesome Apps

What you'll learn:
  • Learn to use Flutter professionally with Dart
  • Understand all the fundamental concepts of Flutter development
  • Make amazing real-world Apps for both Android and IOS
  • Master API and Firebase to make full featured Apps ready to publish
  • Build both Android and IOS apps with single language (dart)
  • Make Beautiful UIs , Add animation , and build crazy Apps with Flutter


Become a Flutter Programmer and learn one of the employer's most requested skills of 2020!

This is the most comprehensive, yet straight-forward, course for the Flutter programming on Udemy! Whether you have never programmed before, already know basics , or want to learn about the advanced features of Flutter and Dart, this course is for you! In this course, we will teach you Flutter with Dart .

With over 100 lectures and more than 20 hours of video, this comprehensive course leaves no stone unturned! This course includes quizzes, tests, coding exercises, and homework assignments as well as 3 major projects to create a project portfolio!

Learn how to use Flutter for real-world tasks, such as, and much more!

This course will teach you Flutter in a practical manner, with every lecture comes a full coding screencast and Learn in whatever manner is best for you!

Also See : Deep Learning Course with Flutter & Python - Build 6 AI Apps

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