
Certified Kubernetes Application Developer [Crash Course] [Free Online Course] - TechCracked

Certified Kubernetes Application Developer [Crash Course]

Master the concepts and practice for Kubernetes Certification with hands-on exercises, assignments and tasks

What you'll learn

  • Learn the core concepts of Kubernetes
  • Kubernetes Certification
  • Design and Deploy applications on Kubernetes Cluster
  • Learn to build Multi-container pods with sidecar and adapter pattern
  • Learn to create Kubernetes YAML files
  • Learn how to scale up/down an application
  • Learn to deploy high availability, fault tolerance, scalable application
  • Learn to do easy update and rollback of application
  • Learn about Replica Controller, Replica Sets, Deployment Config, Deployment, Volumes, Config map, Secrets and much more
  • Learn to check and monitor health of running pods using Liveness and readiness probes
  • Learn to debug and check log of pod
  • Learn to make state fullness application and create Persistent Volume and persistent volume Claims for storage.
  • Learn to create config-map and secrets to pass environment variables, sensitive data and much more into running pod


If you are passionate about Kubernetes and want to take your career to next level, then taking Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) certification will help to achieve the goal.

The role of Certified Kubernetes Application Developer is declare application resources and use elemental primitives to build, monitor, and troubleshoot scalable applications and tools in Kubernetes.

This learning path is designed in such a way that covers all important modules in detailed manner with perfect combination of theoretical concepts and practical exercises will help you to get prepare for CKAD certification.

This certification consist of seven modules:

  • Core Concepts - 13%
  • Multi-container pods - 10%
  • Pod design - 20%
  • Configuration - 18%
  • Observability - 18%
  • Services and networking - 13%
  • State persistence - 8%

In Core concepts modules, you will learn about pod(the basic component of Kubernetes), namespaces(virtual cluster), services(exposing objects to external world) and much more.

In Multi-container pods modules, you will learn how to create and run multiple containers inside single pod. Also learn how to create communication among the containers. Also cover the Concepts of sidecar and adapter pattern.

In Pod design module, you will learn about labels, replica controller, replica set and deployment. Then how to create high availability and auto scaling applications, Then how to do easy update and quick rollback with different deployment strategies.

In Configuration module, you will learn and create config-map and secrets to pass environment variables, sensitive data and much more into running pod. Also learn about service account.

In Observability module, you will learn how to check and monitor health of running pods using Liveness and readiness probes. Also learn how to debug and check log of pod.

In Services and networking module, you will learn about clusterIP, nodeport and load-balancer. And how to expose Kubernetes objects to external world.

In State persistence module, you will learn how to make state fullness application and create Persistent Volume and persistent volume Claims for storage.

This course will make a strong foundation on Kubernetes and related objects to help you to clear CKAD certification and boost your career to next level.

Also See : Docker and Kubernetes: The Complete Guide

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