
Track: Frontend Developer [Free Online Course] - TechCracked

Track: Frontend Developer

Do you want to create your own websites or web applications? Choose this track to learn the most popular development tool suite among programmers around the world. We will cover the basics of JavaScript, HTML, and CSS to discover the power of modern Frontend development.

What you'll do:

Get new skills by making real projects that suit your level. Choose the first one and let the adventure begin! After completing all the topics and projects in the track, you will be able to make a website or application for your own purposes. In the process of learning, you will find out:

  • How the browsers render web pages;
  • How to create your own pages, and set styles for them;
  • How to make your web pages interactive with the help of JavaScript;
  • How CSS can help you to create animation;
  • How to make web pages and apps look perfect on all devices and browsers;
  • How to process browser events and build programs using functions and conditions;
  • The potential of WebStorm integrated development environment;
  • Benefits of React, one of the most trending JavaScript libraries.

Project-based learning with personal recommendations

Learn programming while building complete applications

Your learning is driven by a practical goal set by the project. This way you can see how tool and concepts are applied in the real life.

Benefit from our recommendations that adjust to your level or choose a project out of 6 projects of varying complexity.

  • Easy projects if you're just starting.
  • Medium projects to build upon the basics.
  • Hard projects to practice all the basic concepts and learn new ones.
  • Challenging projects to perfect your knowledge with challenging tasks.

Also See : Modern PHP Web Development w/ MySQL, GitHub & Heroku

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