
An Overview of Business Analysis, Data Analytics, and AI [Free Online Course] - TechCracked

An Overview of Business Analysis, Data Analytics, and AI

IT Business Analyst Roles in The Age of Data Science, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence

What you'll learn

  • The Business Analyst Role in Implementing AI-based Business Solutions
  • Requirements Elicitation and Analysis for Conversational User Experiences
  • Comparing Natural Language Understanding (NLU) Bots and Rule-based Bots
  • Overview of Conversation Flow Analysis and Design for the Business Analyst


As the group most responsible for defining future digital solutions, those who practice business analysis need to stay abreast of how their organization can leverage evolving technologies for competitive advantage.

Currently the world of information technology (IT) is increasingly discovering the potential that "Big Data" represents. This course is a brief synopsis of what the emerging disciplines like Data Science, Data Analytics,  Business Analytics, and Artificial Intelligence offer organizations and how the role commonly called Business Analyst has to morph to stay relevant.

About the Course

To deliver working software that the business community needs and wants, the business and IT communities have to learn to speak a common language. The over-hyped use of buzzwords to describe business needs often leads to expensive miscommunication and misunderstandings. To combat that problem both sides really must know:

     a) What is Big Data?

     b) How do data analytics and business analytics affect the definition of business needs?

     c) What business value do these technologies offer?

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