Real Android App Dev in 15 Hours|KotlinDevX Certificate 2024 [Free Kotlin Course] - TechCracked

Real Android App Dev in 15 Hours|KotlinDevX Certificate 2024

Learn Kotlin and develop android applications from 0 to Hero. Start your Android App Development career now and be Pro !

This course includes:

  • 15.5 hours on-demand video
  • 47 downloadable resources
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Full lifetime access
  • Certificate of completion

What you'll learn

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of the Android Studio User Interface and its functionalities.
  • Master the basics of Android Studio Editor for efficient app development.
  • Understand the significance of learning Android Development and Kotlin for modern-day app creation.
  • Learn the initial steps for creating an Android project in Android Studio
  • Configure and create Android Virtual Devices (AVD) for effective app testing.
  • Master the concept of defining variables in Kotlin for effective data handling.
  • Understand the role of semicolons in Kotlin and their impact on code structure.
  • Explore and implement assignment, addition, and subtraction operators in Kotlin for efficient computation.
  • Learn to use division, multiplication, increment, and decrement operators in Kotlin.
  • Implement and analyze the usage of String templates in a demo application for practical understanding.
  • Gain proficiency in declaring various data types in Kotlin for flexible data handling.
  • Grasp the concept of nullable types in Kotlin and their importance in error handling.
  • Explore and implement solutions to the Kotlin null problem for robust application development.
  • Master the art of type casting in Kotlin for effective data type conversions.
  • Understand the importance and usage of comments in Kotlin for code documentation.
  • Learn to implement equality operators in Kotlin for logical comparisons.
  • Explore the functionality of logical AND and logical OR operators in Kotlin.
  • Master the concept of variables in Kotlin for efficient data storage and retrieval.
  • Gain proficiency in advanced usage of variables in Kotlin for complex data handling.
  • Learn to implement if and else conditions for decision making in Kotlin.
  • Master the concept of nested if statements for complex decision making in Kotlin.
  • Explore the usage of when conditions for effective decision branching in Kotlin.
  • Gain proficiency in implementing while and do-while loops in Kotlin for repetitive tasks.
  • Learn to use for loops in Kotlin for efficient iteration over data structures.
  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of Kotlin functions and their role in modular programming.
  • Master the usage of the return keyword in Kotlin functions for effective data flow control.
  • Explore and implement advanced function arguments in Kotlin for flexible function usage.
  • Understand the process of declaring functions in Kotlin for efficient code organization.

  • Implement and analyze the usage of parameters in Kotlin functions for dynamic data processing.
  • Gain an in-depth understanding of object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts in Kotlin.
  • Master the usage of class functions for encapsulating behavior in Kotlin.
  • Understand the role of class variables in object-oriented programming for data encapsulation.
  • Explore and implement the concept of encapsulation for secure data handling in Kotlin.
  • Gain proficiency in using visibility modifiers such as public and private for controlled data access in Kotlin.
  • Understand the importance and usage of the final modifier in Kotlin for data immutability.
  • Master the concept of primary and secondary constructors in Kotlin for flexible object creation.
  • Implement a game using object-oriented programming principles in Kotlin.
  • Learn to enable and utilize ViewBinding for efficient view management in Android apps.
  • Implement practical examples utilizing ViewBinding for effective UI management.
  • Create a complete project for a note-taking application in Android.
  • Design a user interface for the note-taking application.
  • Further enhance the user interface for the note-taking application.
  • Create a project and integrate RecyclerView for efficient data display in Android.
  • Design and customize the user interface for the RecyclerView implementation.
  • Code the ViewHolder for efficient data item management in the RecyclerView.
  • Learn to create custom widgets from Kotlin files for enhanced user interface functionality.
  • Explore and experiment with various Android UI widgets for interactive app design.
  • Understand the concept of foreground processes in Android app development.
  • Explore low priority processes and their impact on Android app performance.
  • Analyze the functionality of the onCreate method in Android activity lifecycles.
  • Gain proficiency in overriding lifecycle methods for efficient event handling.
  • Illustrate and understand various activity lifecycle events for effective app management.
  • Learn to save and restore the instance state of Android activities for seamless user experience.
  • Master the manual process of saving and restoring instance state for advanced app management.
  • Test and evaluate the application lifecycle events for robust app performance.
  • Edit basic activities using the Android Studio layout editor for efficient UI design.
  • Gain proficiency in using the Android Studio layout editor tool for enhanced app layout design.
  • Explore advanced functionalities of the layout editor for complex UI design.
  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of Constraint Layout and its key concepts for advanced UI design.
  • Explore and implement the usage of chains and guidelines in Constraint Layout for flexible UI structuring.
  • Master the usage of ConstraintLayout widget for efficient UI management.
  • Gain an in-depth understanding of event handling mechanisms in Android apps.
  • Implement and analyze the onClick event from XML for interactive app functionality.
  • Explore different types of event listeners for diverse user interactions in Android apps.
  • Implement onClickListener on a button for responsive user interactions.
  • Learn to set onLongClickListener for handling long press events in Android.
  • Experiment with motion events for advanced user interactions in Android apps.
  • Learn effective techniques for fixing errors in Kotlin code for robust app development.
  • Develop and analyze a bug in the application for practical debugging experience.
  • Gain proficiency in identifying and fixing bugs in Android applications.
  • Master the art of stepping in and stepping out for advanced code debugging in Kotlin.


Why Choose Android Development with Kotlin?

Android application development has gained immense popularity in recent years, and Kotlin has quickly become the preferred language for Android development. With its concise syntax, null safety features, and seamless interoperability with existing Java code, Kotlin offers a powerful and efficient way to build robust Android applications. By mastering Kotlin, you will be equipped to create cutting-edge Android apps that deliver exceptional user experiences.

Course Overview

This Android application development course with Kotlin is designed to provide you with a step-by-step learning experience. Each module covers essential topics and hands-on exercises to reinforce your understanding. Here's a breakdown of the course curriculum:

Module 1: Introduction to Android Development

In this module, you will get an overview of Android development and the Kotlin programming language. You will set up your development environment, including Android Studio, and learn the basics of building Android applications using Kotlin.

  • Introduction to Android development
  • Setting up the development environment
  • Exploring Android Studio
  • Building your first Kotlin app

Module 2: User Interface Design

A well-designed user interface is crucial for creating engaging and intuitive Android applications. In this module, you will learn how to design user interfaces using XML and Kotlin code. You will also explore different UI components and layout techniques.

  • Introduction to user interface design
  • Creating layouts with XML
  • Implementing UI components
  • Applying styles and themes

Module 3: Data Persistence

Storing and retrieving data is a fundamental aspect of Android application development. In this module, you will explore various data storage options in Android, including SQLite databases and SharedPreferences. You will learn how to work with data efficiently and securely in your apps.

  • Introduction to data persistence
  • Working with SQLite databases
  • Managing data with SharedPreferences
  • Implementing data encryption

Module 4: Networking and Web Services

Modern Android applications often rely on network connectivity to fetch data from the web. In this module, you will learn how to interact with web services using Kotlin. You will explore techniques for making HTTP requests, parsing JSON responses, and handling network errors.

  • Introduction to networking in Android
  • Making HTTP requests with Kotlin
  • Parsing JSON data
  • Handling network errors

Module 5: Working with APIs and Libraries

Android provides a rich ecosystem of APIs and libraries that can enhance the functionality of your applications. In this module, you will discover how to integrate popular APIs and libraries into your projects. You will also learn how to manage dependencies using Gradle.

  • Overview of Android APIs and libraries
  • Integrating Google Maps API
  • Using Retrofit for RESTful API integration
  • Managing dependencies with Gradle

Module 6: Advanced Topics in Android Development

This module covers advanced topics that will take your Android development skills to the next level. You will explore topics such as background processing, notifications, multimedia, and security. By the end of this module, you will have a solid understanding of advanced Android concepts.

  • Background processing with services and threads
  • Implementing notifications and push notifications
  • Working with multimedia: audio and video
  • Ensuring app security: encryption and authentication

Module 7: Testing and Debugging

Testing and debugging are essential aspects of Android application development. In this module, you will learn different testing techniques and strategies to ensure the quality and stability of your apps. You will also discover tools and best practices for debugging and troubleshooting.

  • Introduction to Android testing
  • Unit testing with JUnit and Mockito
  • UI testing with Espresso

Debugging tools and techniques

Module 8: Publishing and Monetizing Your App

Once you have developed your Android application, it's time to share it with the world. In this module, you will learn how to publish your app to the Google Play Store. You will also explore strategies for app monetization, including in-app purchases

Even though Kotlin is a full-fledged functional programming language, it preserves most of the object-oriented nature of Java as an alternative programming style, which is very handy when converting existing Java code. Kotlin has classes with constructors, along with nested, inner, and anonymous inner classes, and it has interfaces like Java 8. Kotlin does not have a new keyword. To create a class instance, call the constructor just like a regular function. We saw that in the screenshot above.

Kotlin has single inheritance from a named superclass, and all Kotlin classes have a default superclass Any, which is not the same as the Java base class java.lang.Object. Any contains only three predefined member functions: equals(), hashCode(), and toString().

Kotlin classes have to be marked with the open keyword in order to allow other classes to inherit from them; Java classes are kind of the opposite, as they are inheritable unless marked with the final keyword. To override a superclass method, the method itself must be marked open, and the subclass method must be marked override. This is all of a piece with Kotlin’s philosophy of making things explicit rather than relying on defaults. In this particular case, I can see where Kotlin’s way of explicitly marking base class members as open for inheritance and derived class members as overrides avoids several kinds of common Java errors.

Then, you'll learn how to create apps and run them on virtual devices through guided exercises. You'll cover the fundamentals of Android development, from structuring an app to building out the UI with Activities and Fragments and various navigation patterns. Progressing through the chapters and lectures, you'll delve into Android's RecyclerView to make the most of displaying lists of data and become comfortable with fetching data from a web service and handling images. You'll then learn about mapping, location services, and the permissions model before working with notifications and how to persist data. Moving on, you'll get to grips with testing, covering the full spectrum of the test pyramid. You'll also learn how AAC (Android Architecture Components) are used to cleanly structure your code and explore various architecture patterns and the benefits of dependency injection. The core libraries of RxJava and Coroutines are covered for asynchronous programming. The focus then returns to the UI, demonstrating how to add motion and transitions when users interact with your apps. Towards the end, you'll build an interesting app to retrieve and display popular movies from a movie database, and then see how to publish your apps on Google Play. By the end of this course, you'll have the skills and confidence needed to build fully-fledged Android apps using Kotlin.

Are you trying to start a career in Android programming, but haven't found the right way in? Do you have a great idea for an app, but don't know how to make it a reality? Or maybe you're just frustrated that to learn Android, you must already know Kotlin. If so, then this course is for you

When Android first arrived in 2008, it was a bit drab compared to the much more stylish iOS on the Apple iPhone/iPad. But, quite quickly, through a variety of handset offers that struck a chord with practical, price-conscious consumers, as well as those who are fashion-conscious and tech-savvy, Android user numbers exploded. For many, myself included, developing for Android is the most rewarding pastime and business, bar none. Quickly putting together a prototype of an idea, refining it, and then deciding to run with it and wire it up into a fully-fledged app, is such an exciting and rewarding process. Any programming can be fun – I have been programming all my life – but creating for Android is somehow extraordinarily rewarding..

Kotlin is the most succinct language, and therefore is the least error-prone, which is great for beginners. Kotlin is also the most fun language, mainly because the succinctness means you can get results faster and with less code. Google considers Kotlin an official (first-class) Android language. There are some other advantages to Kotlin that make it less error-prone and less likely to make mistakes that cause crashes. We will discover the details of these advantages as we proceed.

Kotlin is an object-oriented language. This means that it uses the concept of reusable programming objects. If this sounds like technical jargon, another analogy will help. Kotlin enables us and others (like the Android API development team) to write code that can be structured based on real-world things, and here is the important part – it can be reused.

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Course is FREE for Limited Time Only!